At ISA we seek to create sustainable value through strategic connections with startups that are making a significant impact on the electricity sector.

Every connection is an inspiring act

We have operations in 6 countries in South and Central America

We have more than 72,121 km of circuit and 139,620 MVA of transformation, which is equal to going around the planet one and a half times.

We have more than 51 companies.


ISA seeks to create sustainable value through strategic connections with startups that are making a significant impact on the electric power sector.

We connect countries by increasing their power

We have operations in 6 countries in South and Central America

We have more than 72,121 km of circuit and 139,620 MVA of transformation, which is equal to going around the planet one and a half times.

We have more than 51 companies.

About the program

Our open innovation program seeks to promote the achievement of the objectives of ISA’s businesses to respond to the great challenges of sustainable development and reduce its environmental impact. We look for solutions that address challenges related to energy transition within the energy transmission business, for the development of future electrical networks and differentiated value solutions for the sector.

At ISA we are open to co-create and collaborate with different players to drive innovation and generate connections for the future. To learn more about ISA click here.

Terms of reference

Innovation Challenges

Methodologies for modeling large-scale storage service.

Monitoring landslides in transmission infraestructure.

Safety and efficiency in the construction of transmission towers.

Optimization of vegetation identification and characterization for transmission line design

Efficient detection of SF6 leaks.

Program benefits

Impact solutions

Technical support

High value mentoring

Solution scaling

Implement solutions to challenges in the electricity sector within the infrastructure of ISA and its companies.

Work alongside industry experts to validate the solution.

Strengthen the business model with the support of the Endeavor and Estratek mentor network.

Possibility of scaling the solution once the impact hypothesis has been validated.

Accompaniment accompaniment:

High value mentoring:

Work together with
industry experts
in the validation of
your solution.

Strengthen the business model with the support of the Endeavor and Estratek mentor network.

Solutions with impact:

Scale your solution:

solution to the challenge in the infrastructure of ISA and its companies.

Make it possible to scale the solution once the impact hypothesis has been validated.






Until february 16, 2024

Active search for startups that have solutions to the challenges presented.

Filter 1

February 2024

Review of minimum qualifying requirements.

Filter 2

March 2024

Evaluation of business model, solution and entrepreneurial team.


March 2024

Presentation and evaluation of the proposal before a panel of experts.


May 2024

Signing of agreements with selected startups for the development of pilot test projects that will validate the solution.

Pilot test projects

From june to september 2024

Implementation of solutions by ISA technical teams.


October 2024

Evaluation of the results obtained and definition of long-term relationships.




21 Nov - 16 Feb


Active search for startups that have solutions to the challenges presented.

19 Feb - 28 Feb

Filter 1

Review of minimum qualifying requirements.

28 Feb - 28 Mar

Filter 2

Evaluation of business model business model, solution and entrepreneurial entrepreneur

Mar 12 - Mar 22


Presentation and evaluation of the proposal before a panel of panel of experts.

1 Apr - 30 May


Implementation of solutions by ISA's technical ISA technical teams.

21 Oct - 15 Oct


Evaluation of the results obtained and establishment of long-term long-term relationships.

Frequent questions

We are a multi-Latin company, recognized for the excellence of our operations in the electric power, roads and telecommunications and ICT business, with a presence in 6 countries in South and Central America.

Venture Client program is the commitment of a corporation to purchase the products or services of a startup, integrating the startup's solution with the company ́s needs and challenges. This allows both to take advantage of innovations in products, processes, and business models. This enables startups and corporations to obtain strategic information on new technologies and benefit in several ways, including customization advantages, among others.
Venture Client ISA is the program that seeks to create sustainable value through strategic connections with startups that generate a significant impact on the electricity sector.

Venture Client ISA is the program that seeks to create sustainable value through strategic connections with startups that are generating a significant impact in the electric power sector.

Agreements will be signed with the selected startups for the development of pilot test projects to validate the solution with ISA's technical teams. 

Based on the results obtained, alternatives for future work between ISA and the startups will be explored, either as potential suppliers to scale their solutions to ISA's infrastructure or through strategic alliances.

Startups wishing to apply for the program must have been established in any country for two years, have an innovative solution (product and/or service) that fits into one of ISA's challenges, and have a work team of at least 10 people in different roles, with technical experience in design, marketing, technical and business development. You can consult all the requirements in the terms of reference of the call.

This open innovation program involves ISA as the organizing entity, Estratek and Endeavor as partners and Opino as an ally.

The program will be conducted in English and Spanish.

Startups can apply from November 21, 2023, to February 16, 2024, by clicking here.

The program does not contemplate equity investment for the startup. Resources will be available for support, co-creation, and expenses required for the exploration and design of the prototype.

The Program will be developed virtually through communication platforms (including Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, among others), which will be previously established by ISA; and in person in those pilot implementation activities that require it, prior approval of the Program Committee.

Contact us

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How to model large-scale grid storage systems to properly identify the technical and economic benefits for electric power consumers?

We want to explore methodologies in the market that allow to:

  1. Identify points on the grid where there is an opportunity to implement energy storage solutions.
  2. Determine the capacity that the storage solution would have at that point (size and configuration), the services and benefits offered to the system, the regulatory elements and market conditions to be considered.

These methodologies should allow us to:

  • Improve effectiveness in identifying opportunities for large-scale storage solutions.
  • Make feasible a definition of the possible remuneration for services.
  • Comprehensively evaluate applicable business models.
  • Minimize uncertainty about the relevance of services and associated business models.
  • Present energy storage systems as a competitive, compared to other technological solutions for flexibility.

How to effectively manage physical risks arising from climate variability, topographical features and other external factors, specifically landslides that threaten the resilience of ISA transmission lines?

ISA's energy transmission infrastructure faces critical risks, especially in landslide-prone areas. Risks increased by the effect of climate variability, challenging topographic conditions in areas where infrastructure needs to be built, and external factors that modify soil conditions.

These landslides represent a significant threat to the stability of our transmission lines, as extreme weather events such as heavy rains can increase the frequency and intensity of these events. Other factors caused by ground interventions  by players related to the transmission lines also increase the risk of high-impact events.

To ensure the resilience of our infrastructure, it is essential to address these risks by implementing advanced monitoring systems, predictive models and adaptation strategies. The goal is to not only periodically identify and assess climate hazards, but also anticipate and  proactively manage impacts to ensure the continued reliability of our energy transmission system in the face of changing climate challenges.

Identification and monitoring strategies, systems, devices and other technological solutions are expected.

How to guarantee safety in the construction of transmission towers in geographic areas of difficult access through portable and scalable technological solutions that optimize efficiency in the assembly process of structures?

ISA, in its geography of operation in Latin America, faces significant challenges in the construction of electrical infrastructure due to environmental restrictions and topographic and climatic factors that add logistical and technical complexity in the construction and operation of the projects.

The process of lifting loads (*.1) during the construction, operation and maintenance of electrical infrastructure in mountainous and difficult-to-access areas, entails risks for the safety of workers, reflected in accidents and losses of material, which in turn can cause delays in projects and activities in general, endangering people's lives.

Solutions are sought that include new methods for erecting transmission towers in difficult-to-access areas and that are safer than traditional methods or technologies that are integrated into existing tools to improve their performance.

(*.1) Load lifting includes structure, tools, and equipment.

How to reduce uncertainty in the identification and characterization of the vegetation height projection (in restrictive zones), considering microclimates and diverse ecosystems, in a fast and cost-effective way, allowing projects to be managed from the structuring stage and throughout the asset life cycle?

The design of transmission lines faces considerable challenges in protected forest areas, such as galleries near water basins, where environmental regulations prohibit the intervention of vegetation.

During the structuring of the offer, identifying and characterizing the varied tropical vegetation is time-consuming and created uncertainty in the estimating tower heights. Brief field visits, along with measurements at selected points and secondary data, are used to project vegetation growth. However, variations in vegetation, for multiple reasons, pose challenges when projecting heights, leading to adjustments in offers and possible license modifications, generating cost overruns in the execution and operation stage of the transmission lines.

How to predict or early detect SF6 leaks in ISA's electrical infrastructure, in indoor and outdoor installations?

SF6 gas is colorless and odorless, and is also widely used in the electrical sector due to its electrical insulating and arc-extinguishing capabilities, which makes it a key component in the design of switchgear and self-contained substations that take up less space. However, SF6 is a greenhouse gas with a high GWP (Global Warming Potential). The current SF6 monitoring process in ISA is carried out by measuring pressure in the gas containers; this method does not allow for early detection since it sends alarms once a considerable amount of gas has been lost. This situation, exacerbated by the increase in the use of SF6, contributes significantly to the environmental impact, despite efforts to keep leakage below 0.5% per year. ISA has implemented indirect detection actions for SF6 loss with the measurement of gas density in the chambers, however, there are many more operational variables involved, which complicates the ability to predict or detect SF6 leaks early and accurately, negatively impacting the fulfillment of ISA's CO2 emissions reduction targets.

This solution should ensure effective compliance with the strategic CO2 emission reduction targets and minimize the impact of said gas through the use of innovative technologies for constant, intelligent, effective and low-cost monitoring.